Why Nepali origins Bhutanese refugees have right to claim national Identity in Nepal?

 Shabdrung was driven out of Tibet by the Tsang power. This attack never ended though he left Ralung, Tibet. He felt that his unification works seemed to be weak in Bhutan. So, his mind was diverted to the strong, simple and dedicated Gorkhalis. It was not only in this time that Gurkhalis entered Bhutan, but most the present Bhutanese of Nepali ethnicity had come Bhutan long before writes Devi Bhakta Lamitarey in his book “Dankindo Bhutan”. Bipin writes that Ram Shah contributed 40-50 families to Shabdrung having done agreement in the gold plates. These families were being led by Bishnu Thapa. In the agreement, Ram Shah declared, till the kingdom of Drukpa remains, you be there protecting the territory of Palden Drukpa and extending the calm relationship of Drukpa with Hindu. These people from Gorkha were settled from the east of Teesta to the western Thaga province (Kalimpong Dangsang area).3 On the same visit, it is said that he also visited Kathmandu and asked some artists and craftmen from Shiva Simha Malla. These people from Gorkha and Nepal (Kathmandu) had contributed in the construction of dzongs, temples, monastaries and protecting the sovereignty of the nation. It is true that most of the crafts, dzongs, temples and idols found in Bhutan are the contribution of hard, loyal and dedicated workers, the Bhutanese of Nepali origin. It was from that time the tradition of lighting thousand lamps in Swayambhunath by the Bhutanese lamas was inaugurated. 

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