When The Pilot Realized Why The Birds Were Flying Next to The Plane, He Began To Cry

When The Pilot Realized Why The Birds Were Flying Next to The Plane, He Began To Cry

by Elizabeth Grillo

When you are a pilot you are responsible for the lives of many people who may be on your plane when it takes off. Your job as a pilot is to see that all passengers get to their destination on time and in one piece. It can be a little scary at times if you are not an experienced pilot and go through some rough weather, but over time you get over it and know how to carry yourself. But what do you do when something that you’ve never seen before in your life happens while up in the air? Pilots are trained to be ready for just about anything, but they never taught this pilot anything about what he experienced one day. It was one of the strangest things to ever occur to a plane, no one could even comprehend what was going on while it happened. What happened to this plane and would they make it home safe in the end? 

Another day 

Jason was a seasoned airline pilot and had been doing his job for years. He loved flying, it made him feel free and like he was one with the clear blue skies. When he was back down on land, he felt like he was trapped on the surface, he just couldn’t wait to fly all over again. He was so used to traveling from place to place that he had little time to be at home. The trade-off to all of this was that he wasn’t able to hold on to any relationships in his life. But that was fine with him because when it came down to it, the sky was his only love. 


While Jason was going through security checks one day, he was eager to be back on a plane and go to some wild destination, a place he had never been before. He just came back to his job after a few weeks off for vacation, but he never knew what to do with his time off. 

As he was waiting in the security line for the airport staff to wave him and his team through to the front of the line, he looked around at the other people waiting to get their bags checked. He never thought that in a million years, this flight would be the one that would change his life. 

Suspicious characters 

Jason scanned the people who were in the large lineup, it looked like the typical folk you would see at an airport. But there was something different about one person in particular. Jason couldn’t really put his finger on it, but this man just gave off a strange vibe while waiting in line. 

He was tall and was wearing all black with a large box underneath his arm. He had some strange-looking luggage that Jason had never seen before in his life. But he shrugged his shoulders, he knew that if it was anything illegal, the security would find it for sure and all would be fine. 

Prepare for take-off 

Finally, Jason was back in the place that he belonged, in the cockpit of a plane. He fired up the engines and did all the regular things pilots would do before taking off. His co-pilot was one of his old friends named Jimmy. They knew each other very well and were glad to be together again. It was always fun when they flew together, they would crack jokes and just enjoy each other’s company. Both of them were very committed to the job and knew that it was a lifestyle choice. Jason thought to himself that this flight was going to be a breeze, but he would be very wrong. 

In the air  

And so the plane took off and everyone on board was buckled in and ready to fly. It was going to be a long flight, across an ocean, but Jason and Jimmy had a lot of experience and were not worried about that at all. Some pilots get nervous if they have to fly over bodies of water. 

As they flew, they had finally made it over a good chunk of the ocean and were now approaching land. They weren’t quite at their destination yet, there was still a lot of time to go. Now this is where things were about to get interesting for everything who was involved in the story. 

Approaching a city 

The plane was approaching a city that was just off the coastline. Jason always loved flying over a city, it made him feel like he was Superman and had special powers. Also, the few were amazing, it was one of his favorite parts of each flight. If only he knew what was going to happen. As the plane approached the city, it wasn’t going to just fly over it like it would normally. Something was about to appear out of the blue and throw a wrench in this routine flight. Were Jason and Jimmy ready to take it all on head first? It wasn’t going to be easy. 

That was strange 

It started with one single bird that was flying around the plane. The plane was not doing high speeds so it was able to keep up and fly around the plane. Jason and Jimmy had seen the birds swoop over the cockpit a few times and thought that it was very odd to see that happen. Birds were not usually around planes and avoided them like the plague. The loud noise from the engine and just the size of the aircraft would usually scare them away, but not this time. What on earth was this single bird doing? Well, it was about to become obvious that it wasn’t alone. 

All of a sudden 

Out of nowhere, one bird then turned into two birds and three birds, and so on. Jason and Jimmy had just thought that they had flown into a flock of birds that were now chasing the plane for some reason. They didn’t think anything of it at first, but the birds would capture their attention. The birds kept coming and growing in numbers, what on earth was going on here? Birds never behave like this, something must be really wrong. Jason and Jimmy checked all the plane’s instruments to make sure that they didn’t miss anything, but everything seemed to be fine and up to code, so what was it? 


Now things were getting really scary, out of nowhere dozens upon dozens of birds began to appear around the plane. In fact, there were now so many birds that they could barely see any of the sky around them. The birds were flying around the plane and attacking it with their beaks and claws. 

Of course, that wouldn’t be enough to take down an entire aircraft, but it was terrifying to see. These birds had apparently lost their minds and were now swarming the entire plane. What was making them behave in this way? How were they going to land if this kept going on? 

Not giving up 

Jason and Jimmy tried to shake off the birds by swerving the plane around a little bit, but it did nothing. The birds would get out of the way and then just fly right back and keep attacking the plane. Something really wrong was going on here, this must be the first time birds had done this. 

The birds were not going away and it became clear that there was nothing that Jason could do to get them to move away from the plane. He could barely see and the passengers in the back were starting to complain to the other staff. They were worried about the number of birds of course. 

Diving down 

The city was now approaching quickly and Jason was going to have to dive down in order to get the birds to fly away from the plane. The wind would surely push them off the plane and back into the open air. At least, that’s what the plan was, but when Jason dived down, it didn’t work. Sure, the plane lost some altitude and some birds were pushed to the side, but they were still holding on and attacking the plane at the same time. Whatever it was that they wanted, they were not going to stop until they took this plane down one way or another in the end. 

Dangerous level 

The plane was now very low and flying at a dangerous altitude. They were right over the city and it looked like you could practically reach out and touch one of the skyscrapers. Jason and Jimmy were both very tense, usually they would be laughing during flights, but this was serious.They knew that they should not be flying this low and that they needed to call the nearest air traffic control tower to tell them what was going on. It would be the only way that they could get instructions on what to do next. After all, they were both out of ideas. 

Calling for help 

While Jason was trying to keep the plane steady, Jimmy called for help and to see if anyone could hear him on the other line. Immediately he got a reply from an air traffic control tower that wanted to know why they were flying so low. When they explained the situation, the other side was stunned. 

They told them that they needed to turn their plane around as soon as possible and make an emergency landing on a smaller airstrip. They were not going to be landing at an airport after all, it was just too risky with their poor visual state. They agreed and hung up the radio.

To the countryside 

Jason swung the plane around and out of the city towards the countryside. They had cleared a path for him to land his plane somewhere down on a small airstrip that was in the middle of the country. He had never done anything like this before, and he was getting nervous. 

He told Jimmy that he didn’t know if he was going to be able to land this plane properly. Jimmy told him that he was a great pilot and that he could do anything, he just needed to believe in himself. Jason thanked him for the motivational talk and was determined to land this plane safely. 

Almost there

They could see that they were almost at the other airstrip. It was not easy keeping the plane flying straight, the birds were just everywhere and making a total mess. Dozens of them were getting whacked by the plane as it flew by, but they just kept coming. It was like there were an infinite number of them. By this point in time, they had grown in numbers and were totally covering all of the windows. You could barely see anything, which was why landing was just going to be so hard for Jason and Jimmy. They needed to constantly peek through some cracks in the flock to see where they were going. 

Engine loss 

That’s when the worst thing that could have happened, happened. As they were approaching the airstrip, they heard a loud explosion. As it turned out, they had lost an engine after a bird or multiple birds flew right into it. Now they were really in trouble, one engine was gone from the plane. Jason was going to have to make a landing right away. He knew that he wasn’t going to make it to the airstrip with just one engine going. He needed to find a place to make an emergency landing, but where was that going to be? All he could see was land all around him. 

Emergency landing 

Jason was desperately looking for a place to land the plane safely. He could hear people in the back of the plane screaming and praying for their lives. He knew that he wasn’t going to let them down, he was going to land this plane safely no matter what would happen. Finally, he saw an opportunity. In the distance there was a small lake, it was just the right size to attempt to land this plane. He had no time to lose, it was now or never, this plane was not going to remain in the sky for very much longer after all. 

In one piece 

Jason made the emergency landing and buckled up. He told everyone to take their seats and that everything was going to be okay. They were going to now attempt to land the plane in a body of water. Passengers were terrified, but they could do nothing about it, they needed to trust him. The birds were still all over the place but Jason remained calm and just focused on landing the plane. He was making a line straight for the lake and at last, the plane made contact with the water. He successfully landed it on the surface of the lake. It was a wild moment for everyone. 

Now what? 

Now the plane had finally come back down to earth and was sitting in the middle of this lake, there was another issue. The birds were still all over the place and were not going away any time soon. They wanted something desperately inside the plane and were determined to get it. Jason knew that this plane was designed to float, but not forever. They were going to have to get off the plane and into the small lifeboats that they had attached to the sides. Help was on the way, they knew exactly where they were, so they just had to hold on for that. 

Getting out 

Jason went to the back of the plane, everyone on board seemed to be alright and congratulated him on a successful emergency landing. But he knew that the drama was not going to be over that easily. People could still see the birds. They knew that they needed to go outside. Jason went to one of the doors of the plane and prepared to open it. He told everyone that he was going to open the hatch and that they needed to jump out and get as far away from the plane as possible. There was no telling what the birds were going to do. 

Fight for survival 

On the count of three, Jason opened up the door and passengers began to jump out of the plane and into the water. The lifeboats were on their way and people were climbing into them. So far it was going well, but then the birds tried to enter the plane by force. 

Jason, with the help of Jimmy and some other staff members, fought off the birds as best as they could, but it wasn’t easy. They were getting scratched and poked all over their bodies and were getting bloody. These birds were desperate to enter the plane, but they couldn’t let them in just yet. 

Help arrives 

As Jason and his team fought off the birds so that people could exit the plane safely, it was finally their turn to leave the plane. One by one they jumped out of the plane and into the water. The others were busy keeping the birds at bay so that they could all get off. Because he was the captain, Jason was the last one to get off of the plane and he almost didn’t make it. Birds attacked him and he swung his arms around to get them away from him. When he landed in the water he looked around him and saw that help had finally arrived. 


Boats with rescue workers had arrived on the scene and were pulling people out of the water while at the same time looking at the plane covered with birds. For some reason, the birds were not attacking anyone who was not close to the plane. It was like they were defending it. The plane was slowly sinking and the birds did nothing but watch as it sunk into the lake. But instead of leaving, the birds sat on the surface of the water, it was like they were a giant black patch on the lake’s surface. Something very weird was going on, to say the least. 


When everyone was back on shore, it was time to get the plane wreckage out of the water. The lake wasn’t that deep, so it was going to be easy to hook the plane up to some cables and drag it out. Meanwhile, Jason and all the passengers were just happy that they were still alive. Nobody could really explain what happened and why the birds were acting the way that they were. Everyone wanted to know what was inside of the plane that they wanted so badly. People wanted to stick around and watch the rescue team drag it out and solve the mystery once and for all. 


But it was going to take some time before the rescue team was going to be able to drag anything out of the lake. When they approached the plane wreckage with a few small ships, they were immediately attacked by hundreds of birds. This made the entire task basically impossible for the time being. How on earth were they supposed to get the plane out when the birds would stop them from getting close to it? They didn’t want to start shooting any of the birds, there were just so many of them that it wouldn’t do anybody any good in the end. Jason had an idea. 

A bigger boat 

Jason knew that birds don’t like loud noises. He told the rescue workers that if they played loud music on some type of speaker, that might do the trick. They agreed with Jason but also stated that they were going to need a bigger boat to get the job done regardless. They scrambled together a few tugboats and strapped some speakers onto them. Then, they went out onto the lake and played the music loudly, sure enough, it was working. The birds were flying away and they were able to begin dragging the plane out from the lake. At last, the birds were being pushed back. 

Pulling the plane out 

The tugboats were doing their best to drag the plane out and finally, the plane could be seen emerging from the water. It had only been down there for a few hours, but it already looked like the wreckage of the Titanic. Jason and the others who stayed to see it were in shock. They were just really lucky to still be alive, they couldn’t imagine just how terrible it would have been if they crash-landed or sunk with the plane. But the mystery of the birds had yet to be solved, and everyone wanted to open the plane up and get to the bottom of it. 

Back on land 

Now that the plane was back on land, the birds were circling around all over again. But they were not able to get close to the plane because of the music that was being blasted out of the speakers. It was keeping them all at bay, without the music, it would be chaos. This gave the team an opportunity to open the plane up and see what was going on inside. Perhaps there were some clues that could lead them to the answers they were looking for. Jason and Jimmy were not going anywhere until then, they felt like they had a right to know. 

Attacks continue 

But then, the unimaginable happened, the speakers died suddenly, someone had sabotaged the electricity that was feeding them. In all the frenzy of rescue workers, passengers, and so on, nobody would have thought that a sabotager was in the middle of it all. But why would they do such a thing? 

When the music stopped playing, the birds immediately rained down upon the plane and started attacking it and anyone that went near it. Someone didn’t want them to open the plane up and get some answers. Someone there was trying to hide a secret, perhaps they were behind all of this. 

Locked up 

And so the entire circus started up all over again. They needed to turn the speakers back on, scare the birds away and then attempt to drag the plane into a small hangar that was set up for them. That way, they could lock the plane up inside the hangar, turn the music off and examine the plane. Once all of that was done, now it was just a question of where to look. Jason, Jimmy, the passengers, and the rescue team were all inside the hangar. Most of them were waiting for further transportation to arrive so that they could go home, but the authorities were also questioning them all. 

An idea 

The authorities who were there knew that someone had cut the power to the speakers earlier and were quite possibly involved in all of this from the start. No one was going to be going home until they got to the bottom of it all. But how were they supposed to do that? They didn’t even know what they were supposed to be looking for in the first place. That’s when Jason had an idea once again. He told the rescue workers and team to try letting some birds inside the hangar, they can lead them to the answer. It was a great idea, so they agreed. 

What is that? 

They managed to catch a few birds from outside of the hangar and let them loose inside. The birds flew around and immediately went to the plane and tried to get inside of it. But this time, they had left the door open, they wanted to see where they would go. The birds flew inside the plane and went right towards a section that had some luggage stored in it. They managed to take all of that luggage out and the birds were going crazy over one bag in particular. Jason thought that it looked very familiar like he had seen it earlier at the airport. 


The authorities on sight asked everyone who was there if this bag belonged to them. But everyone went silent when they asked. It seemed like nobody wanted to say or nobody knew whose bag it was. Jason looked at it and tried to remember who was carrying it hours ago at the airport. 

The answer was right on the tip of his tongue but he couldn’t get it out just yet. Finally, Jason remembered, it belonged to the strange man that he had a bad feeling about. He pointed him out in the crowd and the authorities grabbed him and took him in for questioning in the next room. 

Grabbing the bag 

Just when they were about to grab the man though, he made a run for the bag and didn’t want to let go. They had to overcome him with strength and numbers to finally get him to release the bag and follow them into the next room. What in the world was inside of it? The questions began from the authorities, who discovered that this man was not who he said he was at all. His passport and papers were all fake, so who exactly was he, and did they have any record of his real identity? The mystery was only growing deeper once they opened the bag. 

What’s inside? 

Everyone wanted to know what was in the bag when one of the authorities slowly opened it. They asked everyone to step back just in case it wasn’t anything dangerous. When the man opened up the case, he looked inside the bag and made a confused face, like he didn’t know what it was. He then turned the bag around and revealed that it was two exotic birds. The birds were alive, but they weren’t moving, they were under heavy medication so that they would sleep during the flight. Why on earth would this man have this in his bag and how did the birds know? 

Gone at last 

When the few birds who were inside the hangar saw that the exotic birds were now safe and sound, they wanted to fly outside. They opened up the large hangar doors and saw hundreds of birds fly off into the distance. It was like they had all spoken to each other at once. Just how did they know that there were two exotic birds trapped inside this bag? What was their goal and what were they trying to accomplish by attacking the plane? None of it was clear to anyone at first, but it would be very soon. The mysterious man would reveal all. 

All is revealed 

As it turned out, the man was a criminal who had been to jail many times before for trading and stealing exotic animals. He had been making very good money before, but the police eventually caught up to him and threw him into jail for a short amount of time years ago. Now that he was out, he got fake documents and just went right back into his old illegal trade. He tried to talk his way out of this entire thing but it wasn’t working, he was in big trouble. Not only for trafficking exotic animals but for putting the entire plane at risk of crashing. 

Taken to jail 

The man was taken to jail and everyone else was finally free to go. It had been more than a day that all the people on board the plane were being kept close to the crash site. They couldn’t let anyone leave until they had questioned them all and got to the bottom of the story. People were annoyed, upset, hungry, and just wanted to go home. It had been a long day and now it was finally all over with. Jason and Jimmy shook everyone’s hands and wished them a safe journey. People were thankful that they had saved their lives by landing the plane successfully in the lake. 


When it was all said and done, the only thing that Jason could think about for the first time in his life was to go on vacation. Maybe this time he would spend a little bit more time on the ground and not in the sky, it had given him enough thrills for a few more weeks. Although he loved flying with all of his heart, he knew that what had just happened was enough to scare anyone into ever flying again. But he was determined to get back into the cockpit and back up into the sky. After all, it’s the only place where he truly felt like he belonged. 

Special sense? 

The only thing that bothered him more than anything else was the fact that the birds knew what was inside the plan. Jason would think about that from time to time and it would really shake up his belief system regarding how the natural world functions. This was something people had a hard time believing.Even when asked about it later, although they had a lot of evidence about the event and what went down exactly. It was hard to convince people. Nobody wanted to believe that hundreds of birds were able to talk to each other, organize and attack a plane to save their fellow bird species

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